Oven & Grill Cleaner

SKU: 9315


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  • Cleans unwanted carbon deposits and greasiness
  • Protects oven and grill surfaces
  • Effectively dissolves even the most stubborn grease and grimy residue on oven and grills
In Stock


Read to use powerful grease-cutting formula effective against burned-on grease and grime on oven and grills

Danger contains Sodium Hydroxide. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
Please use protective gear before application. Please refer to label for complete
safety guide. Mass of contents are flammable.


  • Spray the product directly on the greasy or baked-on area and leave it for a few mins.
  • Wipe the area with a damp cloth or sponge.

Note: Do not use on non-stick or Teflon coatings


Available in 500 ml bottles and 6 ltr cans.



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